Peer-Reviewed Publications
Williams, A., Craft, K., Millan, M., Johnson, S., Knudson, C., Juarez Rivera, M., McAdam, A., Tobler, D., Skok, J.R., Fatty Acid Preservation in Recent, Inactive, and Relict Siliceous Sinter Hot Spring Deposits in Iceland, with Implications for Organics Detection on Mars. (2020) Astrobiology, 21(1), 60-82
Petryshyn, V., Juarez Rivera, M., Agić, H., Frantz, C. F., Corsetti, F. A.,Tripati, A. E. (2015) Stromatolites in Walker Lake (Nevada, Great Basin, USA) record climate and lake level changes ~35,000 years ago. Paleo3, 451, 140-151
Juarez Rivera M., Sumner Y. D. (2014) Unraveling the Three-dimensional Morphology of Archean Fenestrae Microbialites. Journal of Paleontology, 88(4), 719-726
Petryshyn, V., Juarez Rivera, M., Agić, H., Frantz, C. F., Corsetti, F. A.,Tripati, A. E. (2015) Stromatolites in Walker Lake (Nevada, Great Basin, USA) record climate and lake level changes ~35,000 years ago. Paleo3, 451, 140-151
Juarez Rivera M., Sumner Y. D. (2014) Unraveling the Three-dimensional Morphology of Archean Fenestrae Microbialites. Journal of Paleontology, 88(4), 719-726
2020 Juarez Rivera, M., Farmer, J.D. “Diagenetic modifications of filamentous microfossils and associated organic matter in siliceous hot spring deposits from Puchuldiza, Chile” Geological Society of America/ October 27, 2020
2020 Juarez Rivera, M., Farmer, J.D. “Biosignatures in the rock record and how to navigate their biases” Invited talk, AZ Astrobiology conference/October 2, 2020 Juarez Rivera, M., Farmer, J.D., Ruff, S. W., Skok, J.R. “Seeking Signs of Life Through the Lens of Diagenesis in Siliceous Hot Spring Deposits” (2019) Poster presentation at the Geological Society of America meeting. Phoenix, AZ Juarez Rivera, M., Farmer, J.D.“Biosignature preservation in a silica-carbonate mixed mineralogy hot spring” (2019) Poster presentation at the Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon), Bellevue, WA Juarez Rivera, M., Hartnett, H. E. “Is oxygen supersaturation in Tempe Town Lake mainly driven by abiotic processes?” (2019) Poster presentation at the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program (CAP). Tempe, Arizona Juarez Rivera, M., Sumner, Y. D. “Recreating Microbial Ecosystems of the Late Archean” (2016) Oral presentation at the Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments conference. Abstract #2056. Lake Tahoe, NV Juarez Rivera, M., Agić, H., Ward, L., Kerrigan, Z., Petryshyn, V., Frantz, C., Tripati, A., Corsetti, F., Spear, J., “Stromatolites provide a terrestrial record of a ~35 Ka warming event in Walker Lake a remnant of Pleistocene Lake Lahontan (Western Nevada, USA)” (2014) Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union (AGU). San Francisco, California Agić, H.. Ward, L., Juarez Rivera, M., Kerrigan, Z., Petryshyn, V.A., Corsetti, F.A., Tripati, A., “Lateral growth of Late Pleistocene stromatolites from Walker Lake (Nevada) and proxy constrains on environmental change” (2014) Poster presentation at the Geological Society of America. Vancouver, Canada Juarez Rivera, M., Sumner, Y. D. “Tubular Structures and the Interplay between Microbial and Preservational Processes in Fenestrae Microbialites” (2012) Oral presentation at the Geological Society of America. Charlotte, North Carolina Juarez Rivera, M., Sumner, Y. D. “3Dimensional distributions of tubular structures in Fenestrae microbialites” (2012) Poster presentation at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Symposium. University of California, Davis. Juarez Rivera, M., Sumner, Y. D. “Exploring Distributions of Tubular Structures in Fenestrae Microbialites” (2012) Poster presentation at the Astrobiology Science Conference (AbSciCon). Atlanta, Georgia |